

Observation is so much more than simply watching and taking notes. It is the art of noticing or perceiving (something) and register it as being significant. 

Considering every client and every situation as unique, our tools consisting in a white canvas, healthy criticism and curious wondering determine the type of information we collect.

It’s that kind of observation that provides inspiration and ideas or opportunities for improvement and durable innovation.

Discuss is the activity in which people talk and listentelling each other their ideas or opinions.

We don't believe that copying an existing model, even if its success has been proven before, is the best solution for every situation. A solution is only successfull and sustainable if it is tailored to the specific needs of our client.

Together with you, we turn the findings from ‘observe’ into new understandings or fresh insights, and thus new openings or opportunities.

Design isn’t just about making things look appealing, or just about usability, or even just delight. It is about taking ideas from being usable to delightful, and then beyond that — to meaningful.

Design is a way for us to deliver deep meaning to our customers through the improvements we craft.

Act is much more that just 'do it!'

Act means delivering on our promises, walk the talk, go all the way!

Act also means instore the continuous improvement.

The 'new' we are implementing today, becomes the 'business as usual' tomorrow.

In order to make your business future proof, we help you implement a continuous bottom-up and top-down improvement methodology.

As Charles Darwin said: it's not the strongest or the most intelligent that survive, it's the most responsive to change. That is what Melius offers you.

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