
How can Melius Consulting help you?

Melius is Latin for ‘improvement’ and that is exactly what Melius Consulting offers.

With a hands-on approach and ‘yes you can’- attitude, we help you throughout the entire journey;

 -   identify the opportunities,

 -   decide where you want to go,

 -   develop the future approach

 -   and implement the improvements.

What can we offer:

  • Individual or group coaching to develop your full potential,
  • Qualified training and presentation skills, to bring you or your team to the next level.
  • Experienced interim management in operations, customer services, sales and IT,
  • Operational excellence projects and implementation of structural continuous improvement,

Our approach is based on four principles;

  • simple
  • value
  • together
  • intuition.

Simple does not mean easy. As George Bernard Shaw said "I'm sorry this letter is so long, I didn't have time to make it shorter." Simple is about clarity, simple makes you get to the point, simple lets you be agile, simple prevents confusion, simple focuses your energy.
And most of all, simple makes you happy.

Value is a word with hundreds of synonyms or interpretations, and every single one of them is positive. What we do, is help you do the things that create value. We help you create value for you, for your customer(s), for your environment, for your future. If there is no value in a certain action, then that action is a waste of time and effort.
To stop doing that action, increases your value.

Together It is too easy to say that two heads are always better than one, or that one plus one makes three. What we mean is that every person has valuable input and every team member is worth to be involved in the improvement cycle.
If an improvement is supported from the bottom up, you can not only be sure that it’s the right thing to do, you will also be surprised by the involvement and the speed at which it will be implemented.

Intuition How many times do we all think (or say): “I knew it” even when nobody told us or taught us. Or even when figures or statistics show the opposite.
That is what intuition is about. You just know what is the right thing to do.
Use figures and statistics to challenge that intuition, and dare to listen to your inner voice.

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